Philips - ST120T LED8S-24-/830 PSU BK
LED lamp ceiling surfaceExcl. Tax: €45 Incl. Tax: €55on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 800 -
Philips - ST120C LED8S-24-/830 PSU BK
LED lamp ceiling surfaceExcl. Tax: €45 Incl. Tax: €55on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 800 -
Philips - ST120T LED24S-24-/830 PSU BK
LED lamp ceiling surfaceExcl. Tax: €60 Incl. Tax: €73on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 2400 -
Philips - ST120C LED24S-24-/830 PSU BK
LED lamp ceiling surfaceExcl. Tax: €60 Incl. Tax: €73on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 2400 -
Philips - SP526P 2xLED20S/830 PSD DCB WH
LED lamp hanging recessedExcl. Tax: €821 Incl. Tax: €993on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 4000 -
Philips - Lumistone
LED lamp hanging recessedExcl. Tax: €826 Incl. Tax: €999in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 4000 -
LED lamp ceiling recessedExcl. Tax: €19 Incl. Tax: €23on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 1000 -
LED lamp ceiling recessedExcl. Tax: €26 Incl. Tax: €31on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 2000 -
LED lamp ceiling recessedExcl. Tax: €46 Incl. Tax: €56on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 3400 -
LED lamp ceiling recessedExcl. Tax: €56 Incl. Tax: €67on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 3400 -
Philips Capricorn 16455/87/16
LED lamp wallExcl. Tax: €38 Incl. Tax: €46in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Capricorn 16455/93/16
LED lamp wallExcl. Tax: €38 Incl. Tax: €46in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Capricorn 16456/87/16
LED lamp with sensorExcl. Tax: €58 Incl. Tax: €70in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Capricorn 16456/93/16
LED lamp wall with sensorExcl. Tax: €58 Incl. Tax: €70on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Capricorn 16458/87/16
LED lamp bollardExcl. Tax: €98 Incl. Tax: €118on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Capricorn 16457/93/16
LED lamp bollardExcl. Tax: €67 Incl. Tax: €81on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Capricorn 16457/87/16
LED lamp bollardExcl. Tax: €67 Incl. Tax: €81in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Capricorn 16458/93/16
LED lamp bollardExcl. Tax: €98 Incl. Tax: €118on requestLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Arbour 16459/93/16
LED lamp wallExcl. Tax: €58 Incl. Tax: €70in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 800Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Arbour 16460/93/16
LED lamp wallExcl. Tax: €45 Incl. Tax: €54in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Arbour 16461/93/16
LED lamp wall with sensorExcl. Tax: €62 Incl. Tax: €76in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Arbour 16462/93/16
LED lamp bollardExcl. Tax: €80 Incl. Tax: €97in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Arbour 16463/93/16
LED lamp bollardExcl. Tax: €107 Incl. Tax: €129in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Stock 16465/93/16
LED lamp wall with sensorExcl. Tax: €62 Incl. Tax: €76in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W -
Philips Stock 16464/93/16
LED lamp wallExcl. Tax: €45 Incl. Tax: €54in stock at the supplierLight: Warm whiteLuminous flux: 600Replacement: 40 W
LED orientation lamps
Orientation LED lamps are an ideal solution to the question of how elegant and technically well solve the lighting in the hallway, stairwell, or only part of the walk-through areas without lighting up the entire space. Due to their advantages such as long life and truly negligible power consumption can orientation LED lamps shine 24 hours a day. This one creates a tireless helper, which also can be tightened any room lighting design to perfection. A significant advantage is certainly the fact that a lot of LED orientation lamps are also produced in a classic switch design company's ABB, which allows the integrity and unity of design across domestic matters.
LED downlighters
LED downlighters are usually designed for drywall or grid ceilings and various ceilings. They are therefore ideal for kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, as well as corridors and staircases. Be creative-illuminate the interior of a number of spotlights and let stand his every specific detail. You can choose from a number of performance levels, shapes and colors of light. The LED light source presents a number of advantages-especially huge energy savings, long life and beautiful light. Feel free to install LED lights in hard-to-reach places - extremely long life ensures that you exchange more waiting for many years.
LED reflectors
LED reflectors are powerful floodlight luminaire, using mostly where there is a need from one point to illuminate all the room. Such as the courtyard, parking lot, driveway, driveway, sitting or another part of the garden, but so can be used as an illumination of various interesting features such as facades, statues, various bridges and monuments. Due to the low power consumption can floodlights on all night at a fraction of the cost of existing lights. Very effective also be used as an alternative or additional source of light, for example on building sites, or various social events.
LED hall lamps
Hall LED lamps are high performance floodlight luminaire for industrial plants, buildings, or different workspaces in large format, such as supermarkets, sports facilities, petrol stations and a variety of stores. These are the lights, where the emphasis is on very strong luminous flux (in thousands of lumens) and maintenance-free operation, because in most cases the installation is determined to a large heights. Indoor LED lights are designed for direct reimbursements for sodium lamps and halogen headlights and makes a great save energy and almost zero cost of management and maintenance, bringing great relief to the budget for the operation of your company. A very big change and hence benefit is a much better color than sodium lamps, to provide better conditions for the work that the eyes are far less stressed when comparing colors with reality. All indoor LED lamps are manufactured in several color temperatures, which allows you to select the best atmosphere in the work area.
LED street lamps
LED street lights are economical, efficient and very modern lighting solution. Street lamps make up a large part of the urban electricity consumption, but are an integral part of every civilized area. Modern LED street lighting brings several incomparable advantages over conventional a sodium discharge lamps. Firstly, a big savings in operation, mainly due to low power consumption, that is up to 75 % lower and durability, which is usually up to 10 times longer than current lamps. These two basic parameters produces nearly maintenance-free operation, which also takes a commitment to the environment. Another significant change is the index CRI, which provides color rendering very similar to sunlight, which creates a totally different view of the night-lit street. This is in contrast to the ubiquitous yellow beautiful full color. Finally, it becomes an advantage and a wealth of options offered in street lamps LED lamps, which for example, by selecting a specific color temperature allows the selection of the atmosphere illuminated by street or neighborhood.
LED ceiling lamps
LED stropní svítidla jsou skvělou volbou do interiérů domů, bytů nebo třeba restaurací a hotelových pokojů. Oproti klasickým žárovkovým či zářivkovým svítidlům nabídnou LED stropní svítidla příjemné bílé světlo, které lze u některých modelů regulovat. Navíc jsou oproti klasickým svítidlům o poznání úspornější. Zkrátka moderní řešení vašeho osvětlení.
LED wall lamps
Wall LED lights serve mainly for decorative purposes. They can make the overall impression of interior or exterior complete and its warm light has a positive effect on the human psyche. They are an excellent household complement thanks to its modern design. One of the biggest advantages of wall LED lights is their energy efficiency.
LED table lamps
LED lampičky představují skvělou alternativu k obyčejným žárovkovým lampičkám. Díky skladnosti diod lze po designové stránce vytvořit unikátní předměty, které svým vzhledem doplní váš interiér. A není to jen vzhled, kterým jsou unikátní. Díky nižší spotřebě jsou náklady na jejich provoz o poznání nižší než u klasických žárovkových.
LED standing lamps
Stojací lampy povětšinou nejsou určeny primárně k přímému svícení, ale k zútulnění vašeho interiéru pomocí světla. Tuto roli zvládají opravdu skvěle a navíc nabídnou pohledný design, který se snoubí s jejich praktičností. Díky nízkým provozním nákladům můžete LED stojací lampy používat takřka nepřetržitě.
LED spot lights
Bodová svítidla vynikají především velmi širokými možnostmi použití. Potřebujete osvětlit celou místnost nebo jen její část? Není problém, LED bodová svítidla tuto práci odvedou na jedničku. Hodí se též pro osvětlování uměleckých předmětů, jako jsou sochy nebo obrazy, vhodné jsou též pro osvětlení průčelí či zrcadel.
LED bathroom lamps
LED Tri-proof lamps
LED garden lamps
LED children lamps
LED office lamps
LED kancelářská svítidla vám nebudou sloužit jen jako moderní zdroj osvětlení. Díky jejich krásnému designovému zpracování se hodí i jako skvělý doplněk vašeho stolu – to v případě, že zvolíte klasické lampičky. V případě volby stropních svítidel zaručují světlo, jehož intenzitu lze u některých modelů regulovat. Nespornou výhodou je pak nízká spotřeba v porovnání s klasickými žárovkovými či zářivkovými svítidly.
LED pendant lamps
Závěsná LED svítidla jsou skvělou volbou pro osvětlení interiérů. Díky tónu světla, jehož intenzitu lze u některých modelů měnit, dokreslí příjemnou atmosféru prostoru. Navíc je jejich montáž vcelku snadná, a tak si s ní poradí i méně zdatný kutil. Díky jejich nízké energetické náročnosti se nemusíte bát vysokých účtů za elektřinu.
LED panels
Panel LED lighting is used in interiors and exteriors. They are perfect for lower and coffered ceilings. Their specific characteristics are small thickness and also uniform distribution of light which will nicely illuminate your interior. Their great advantages are energy efficiency and ease your wallet.